Favourite aquariums: Aquaeden’s discus tank

I know very little about it and, whilst it is definitely in the ‘nature aquarium’ tradition rather than a representation of anything you might find whilst out walking in Brazil, I love this tank. It seems to be the work of Portugese LFS Aquaeden (http://aquaeden-shop.net/). The left side of this is what I have in mind for the second ‘zone’ of the long Middle Congo biotope tank I’m planning for my conservatory (more on this later), but with big emersed Anubias or other aroids instead of the Echinodorus and perhaps Crinum instead of the Vallis.

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Favourite aquariums: Nanne de Vos’ Cameroon aquarium

A classic aquarium by Dutch aquarist Nanne de Vos. This massive 2100 litres (300 x 100 x 70 cm) tank was created in september 1997 to represent a bank of a small rivulet in the high plateau of Cameroon.

I love the sense of depth and the restraint in the design of both the hardscape and plants, which consist only of Anubias var. nana, normal Anubias barteri, a few African Lotus water lilies (Nymphaea sp.) and some floating plants.

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The fish population is similarly restrained, particularly for such a large aquarium, consisting only of 5 Pelvicachromis taeniatus sp. moliwe (caught in wild) [2 male, rest female], 4 elephant nose fish, 2 Synodontis batesi, 13 african red eye tetras (Arnoldichthys spilopterus, presumably) and  60 Ladigesia roloffi.

Further detail of this tank can be found online at http://www.goddijn.com/aquarium/jnanne.htm